martes, 26 de agosto de 2008

keats's poems

In my opinion Keats's poems are so powerful and they show us how the author faces death. the writer tries to explain that little by little his moment is arriving and his life is desappered. For that reason, his poems are so sad. However, he expresses his sadness in a creative way. we can find a lot elements in Keats's poems for example, there is a contradiccion between death and life. there is an ambition for avoid death but the author knows that it is impossible avoid it. There are some romantic symbols in his writtens. For instance, we can find in both poems the issue about death which is a nature moment that everybody should face. At the same time we can find a lot of Keats's feelings like fear, deppresion, desperation etc. those feelings show us another romantic element where the poet through his poems tells us his individual experience about death.

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