sábado, 25 de octubre de 2008

A room of one's own

Many years ago women were discriminate by men. Because they believed that women and men should not have the same rights. I understood in Virginia Woolf’s essay that women had the same men’s capacity. However, they had not had the chance to show their creativity. At the same time, in her essay I could notice that Woolf was exhausted and concerned about men’s book. In their work they only showed the same topic which was “men’s superiority.” That issue made Woolf called women began to create their own books. Finally, on chapter 6 which her principal thesis is, “human beings inside their minds developed a female and male sides. In addition, they should use both sides if they want to achieve a good written. She explained that it is the only way to have an interesting novel or poetry because in that work we will find the union of different perspectives so that complement makes the work more real and authentic

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2008

new post about Odour of Chrysanthemus

About this story I would like to say that it has many contemporary issues such as: alcoholism, loneliness, poverty, social pressure etc. During many years these issues have been presented in our society. At the same time, they have destroyed many people's life because human beings have not known how to face these problems. In addition, Elizabeth who is the main character in Odour of Chrysanthemus story, she had a deep pain because her husband had alcohol problems. She also had two children and every time they needed her attention. For that reason, she had not much time in thinking about her relationship or about herself. In my opinion, in many families we can find that problem. Where woman spend all their time concerning about their children, the home's chores, the job etc. With all of these problems women forget the real meaning of being alive. A good example of this is when Elizabeth's husband died. In that moment, she started to pay attention to her husband’s features and she could appreciate the beautiful he was. When I read that part of the story I felt very bad. Because people should loose someone or something in order to realize the important that person was for them. In conclusion, the pressure of life makes people lost their happiness like this story which poverty and alcoholism made Elizabeth and her husband forget their love.

new post about Frankenstein

When I read this book and some articles about the author, immediately I understood that the writer invented this creature because in several moments she felt as a monster. For instance, Frankenstein could not know what loved mean because in the first day when he born his inventor abandoned him. Mary Shalley had a similar destination as him because her mother died when she born. Another pattern between them is, Frankenstein began to length his knowledge and he understood people's behavior. This issue also allowed Frankenstein to comprehend why people did not love him. When Mary was a child an important period of her life she dedicated to find out new things through readings. Those books gave to her the capacity to comprehend many issues. For example, she realized that society can destroy human beings' dreams. In conclusion, knowledge sometimes can be very harmful. For that reason, we should ask our self some questions as; should be the knowledge limit? Should we know everything about life? Or it is better to know some things in order to be happier in this world

martes, 7 de octubre de 2008

The waste Land

It is so sad to realize that people have not known how to apprecite life. In my opinion the Elliot's poem tells us the destruction of the world, where Human beings have been the principal guilty of its own destruction. For example, the picture shows us how human beings have built a world which is empty where the nothing is the most appropiate word in order to describe our planet. Apart from that, this writer had to face a war and I think that after it the feeling is like the picture show us desolation, loneliness, and sadness where it is imposibble that good things can bloom again because everything have been destroyed. When I read the poem I felt several things such as angry, sadness, empty, distruction etc. And when I watch the picture the same feelings born and I believe that both reflect the same emotions.