lunes, 20 de octubre de 2008

new post about Frankenstein

When I read this book and some articles about the author, immediately I understood that the writer invented this creature because in several moments she felt as a monster. For instance, Frankenstein could not know what loved mean because in the first day when he born his inventor abandoned him. Mary Shalley had a similar destination as him because her mother died when she born. Another pattern between them is, Frankenstein began to length his knowledge and he understood people's behavior. This issue also allowed Frankenstein to comprehend why people did not love him. When Mary was a child an important period of her life she dedicated to find out new things through readings. Those books gave to her the capacity to comprehend many issues. For example, she realized that society can destroy human beings' dreams. In conclusion, knowledge sometimes can be very harmful. For that reason, we should ask our self some questions as; should be the knowledge limit? Should we know everything about life? Or it is better to know some things in order to be happier in this world

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