lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2008

Lack of Acceptance among Human Beings

People have organized or structured a world where the difference is not well coming. This means that, our planet is not a place for ugliness, defect, and abnormal things. In addition, in the past and until today people have tried to build a perfect world with wonderful patterns. However, this strict and intolerant thought has not been achieved. Because it is impossible that things or people can be perfect there are many factors which make us imperfect human beings. However, people still do not understand that. For instance, there is a book named Frankenstein that presents a creature who is rejecting from society. Because of his deformed body shape. This same issue happened in our real life where people do not accept malformed body shape. And they look for many ways to show their intolerance to those human beings through their attitude or words.

When people meet someone who is different from them, they immediately avoid that person. But why, what happened in human beings’ minds that they reject something or someone who has different features, skin, weigh, thoughts etc. Moreover, in each society there are some patterns which define what things should be accepted by citizens. For example, appropriate behaviour, typical body shape, etc. In the case of the last one issue, it is crucial for everyone to develop two eyes, one mouth, two hands, and two legs. This group of features makes someone normal inside our western culture. However, what does normal mean? According to a dictionary that word refers to “An established norm, rule or principle; conformed to a type standard or regular form; performing the proper functions; not abnormal, regular; natural; analogical”. Nevertheless, that pattern is not always repeated for every people. For example, many times children are born whit features are not similar as ordinary children. As a consequence, it is obvious that abnormal children’s opportunities will be less than for the ones who follow the traditional pattern, only because those human beings do not fulfil society models. However, not accomplishing those prototypes is a good argument to reject a person. In addition, if someone carries out a survey asking people this question I think that many of them would answer “NO.” Therefore, is it that true? I am not saying that all of them are a liar but I believed that an important number of people would change their opinion. Actually, it is difficult to break our mental models because of citizens have grown up with this lack of acceptance. A good example of this case is the famous book named Frankenstein. This story tells us the invention of a creature whose creator left him in view of his ugly aspect. With respect of that, I am inclined to believe that Mary Shelley has created this novel with the propose of teaching us how people used to behave to someone who was completely different to them. For example, when the creature’s figure was exposed to people’s eyes, their reaction was so aggressive that the monster should hide him self numerous times. The same happens to people who suffer from a strange illness like Elephantiasis (this kind of disease produces an abnormal growth of some parts of human beings’ body). Look at their abnormal shape causes a strong impact to people’s eyes that they prefer to avoid and erase that image from their brains.
On the other hand, people also have created several ways in order to remember abnormal people that they are not well welcome to this world. In other words, people have invented a specific vocabulary which describes things that not following the common social model such as, monster, creature, horrible, stranger, ugly etc.
These words are used by people in order to show them selves disgusting to someone or something strange. For instance, if we look up monster in a dictionary we will find:

Monster in stories means, an imaginary or ancient creature that is large, ugly, and frightening. The second meaning of this word is cruel person: someone who is very cruel and evil. In the case of creature this refers to an imaginary animal or person or one that is very strange and frightening. Afterwards, this short explanation of these utterances, I think that it is relevant to ask ourselves the lack of tolerance that we have developed during our long life.

In conclusion, I am convinced that we should accept people regardless of the fact that they are abnormal, ugly, black, or white. They are human beings and they deserve to be respected. Apart from that, I believe that this change can be achieved through a new education system where everyone has the opportunity to see that the normal concept is only a way that people created in the past in order to handle human beings. In addition, anyone fulfils that concept in a hundred percent because anyone is normal. If everyone understood that, maybe the word discrimination would not exist among us.

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