miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2008

rough draft

When people meet someone who is different to them, immediately they avoid that person. But why, what happen in human beings’ mind that they reject something or someone who has different features, skin, weigh, thoughts etc. moreover, in each society there are some patterns which define what things should be accepted by citizens. For example, appropriate behaviour, normal body shape, etc. in the case of the last one issue it is crucial for everyone to develop two eyes, one mouth, two hands, and two legs. This group of characteristics makes someone normal inside our west culture. However, what does normal means according to a dictionary that word refers “an established norm, rule or principle; conformed to a type standard or regular form; performing the proper functions; not abnormal, regular; natural; analogical”. That concept not only refers to our behaviour also close the human beings’ body shape. Nevertheless, that pattern not always is repeated for very people. For example, many times children are born whose features are not similar as ordinary children. As a consequence, it is obvious that abnormal children’s opportunities will be less than for whom follow the established pattern, only because those human beings do not fulfil with society models. However, do not fulfil with society patterns it is a good argument for rejecting a person? In addition, if someone made a survey asking people this question I think that many of them would answer “NO.” Therefore, is it that true? I am not saying that all of them are a liar but I believed that an important number of people would change their opinion with the respect of that question. Actually, it is difficult to break our mental models because of people have grown up with this lack of acceptance. A good example of this case is the famous book named Frankenstein. This story tells us the invention of a creature whose creator left him in view of his ugly aspect. With respect of that, I am inclined to believed that Mary Shelley has created this novel with the propose of teaching us how people used to behave with someone who was completely different to them

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