domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2008

Comment about the invisible japanese gentlemen

I think that the woman was only interested in her own happiness and she also had not the capacity of observation. Also she only thought in the money or be a famous writer. About that point, the narrator said that when someone wants to be a writer that person ought to develop her or his own power of observation because it is very important to analize in a deep way the stuffs which are around us. For instance, the narrator describes all the characters in detail. However, he had a wrong opinion about the girls' fiance. To emphasize this point, sometimes our observation about something or someone can fail us. For that reason, sometime it is essential to know people before to give an opinion about her or him. About the story's title, I can say it has relation with the woman who never saw the japaneses who were sit next her. In conclusion, it is very important to develop our capacity of observation because in this world there are a lot of people apart from us and we are not alone in this planet. Additionally, we need to see and analize what it is happend around us because If we do not do it we could be egocentric and superficial people as the woman who does not care anything only her.

1 comentario:

George dijo...

Patty; I believe that you are doing a good job. I agree with your idea of observing before doing a superficial analysis. I mean, we do not have to judge
if we do not know people, we have to observe and analyse.
