martes, 30 de septiembre de 2008

Odour of Chrysanthemus

About this story I would like to say that it has many contemporary issues. For instance, alcoholisim, loneliness, pooverty, social pressure etc. During many years these issues have been presented in our society. At the same time, they have distroyed many people's life because human beings have not known how to face these problems. In addition, Elizabeth who is the main character in Odour of Chrysanthemus story, she had a deep pain because her husbund had alcohol problems. she also had two children who were younger and every time they needed her attention. For that reason, she had not much time in thinking about her relationship or about herself. In my opinion, In many families we can find that problem. Where woman spend all their time concerning about their children, the home's duties, the job etc. With all of these problems women forget the real meaning of being alive. A good example of this is when Elizabeth's husbund died. In that moment, she started to pay attention to her husbund's features and she could appreciate the beatiful he was. when I read that part of the story I felt very bad. Because people should loose someone or something in order to realize the important that person was for them. In conclusion, the pressure of life makes people lost their happiness like this story which poverty and alcoholism made Elizabeth and her husbund forget their love.

1 comentario:

Cris dijo...

I felt very touched by your post, I mean, you put the emphasis on the woman's feelings and her awareness after her husband's death. It is very true that most of the time we don't realize the value or how meaningful some things or people are for us until we lost them, therefore we tend to regret not having done or said or having done many things in life. However, we opposite can happen, a lost can become a hopeful sign to keep on with our lives in a more lively and enjoyable way.

These are some points you need to correct:
homes duties= house chores
check the spelling of some words