lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2008


When I started to read this book and some articles about the author, immediately I could understand that the writter in some way she invented this criature beause she felt in several moments of her life how a monster. For instance, Frankestein could not know what did love mean because his inventor avoid him in the first day when frankestein born. Mary Shalley had a similar destination as him because her mother died when she born. The another common pattern between them is, Frankestein began to lenght his knowledge and he understood people's behaivour. This issue also allowed Frankestein to comprehended why people avoid him. Apart from that, when Mary was a child an important period of her life she dedicated to find out new things throught readings. Those books gave to her the capacity to saw and understood many issues that before she did not conprehended. For example, she realized that society can distroid human beings' dreams. In addition, she had to face many problems in her life, one of them was her marriage to a married man. For that decision, people rejected her and ,Mary's father too. In conclusion, the knowledge sometimes can be very harmful in beings' life. For that reason, we should ask our-self some questions as should be the knowlegde limit? should we know everything? or it is better to know some limit things in order to have more happiness in our life.

4 comentarios:

María José García-Huidobro dijo...

I also agree with you with the fact that the autor´s life is reflected in Frankestein. Not having a mother and a maternal figure brought her descrimination and some lose of identity. It is very hard to think how society can detroy someone´s life. Finally, I also agree when Patricia said that part of the monster was directly related with her personal life and also with the rejection that she felt by society.
PD: Try to correct your word order and verb tense!
See you around

Claudia Trajtemberg dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Claudia Trajtemberg dijo...

Hi Patricia,
I´ve really enjoyed reading your post. Writers, like any other human being, represent what they feel, what they see, what they lack. They may construct imagined worlds based on their desires, frustrations, imagination. It´s very likely that Mary Shelley created a monster because of her feelings of rejection.

On the other hand, the point about knowledge is controversial, don´t you think?. The desire for knowledge is an essential feature of human beings. As you very rightly pointed it out, maybe the problem is where the limit is, or rather, when is knowledge used for the benefit of people or against them.
Well done!!

George dijo...

Hi Patty:

In terms of analysis, your ideas are very interesting and your supportive elements are clear enough. Besides, Mary created the story to clean those moments that affected her. Frankenstein is Mary´s reflection, her own experience.
