lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2008

Lack of Acceptance among Human Beings

People have organized or structured a world where the difference is not well coming. This means that, our planet is not a place for ugliness, defect, and abnormal things. In addition, in the past and until today people have tried to build a perfect world with wonderful patterns. However, this strict and intolerant thought has not been achieved. Because it is impossible that things or people can be perfect there are many factors which make us imperfect human beings. However, people still do not understand that. For instance, there is a book named Frankenstein that presents a creature who is rejecting from society. Because of his deformed body shape. This same issue happened in our real life where people do not accept malformed body shape. And they look for many ways to show their intolerance to those human beings through their attitude or words.

When people meet someone who is different from them, they immediately avoid that person. But why, what happened in human beings’ minds that they reject something or someone who has different features, skin, weigh, thoughts etc. Moreover, in each society there are some patterns which define what things should be accepted by citizens. For example, appropriate behaviour, typical body shape, etc. In the case of the last one issue, it is crucial for everyone to develop two eyes, one mouth, two hands, and two legs. This group of features makes someone normal inside our western culture. However, what does normal mean? According to a dictionary that word refers to “An established norm, rule or principle; conformed to a type standard or regular form; performing the proper functions; not abnormal, regular; natural; analogical”. Nevertheless, that pattern is not always repeated for every people. For example, many times children are born whit features are not similar as ordinary children. As a consequence, it is obvious that abnormal children’s opportunities will be less than for the ones who follow the traditional pattern, only because those human beings do not fulfil society models. However, not accomplishing those prototypes is a good argument to reject a person. In addition, if someone carries out a survey asking people this question I think that many of them would answer “NO.” Therefore, is it that true? I am not saying that all of them are a liar but I believed that an important number of people would change their opinion. Actually, it is difficult to break our mental models because of citizens have grown up with this lack of acceptance. A good example of this case is the famous book named Frankenstein. This story tells us the invention of a creature whose creator left him in view of his ugly aspect. With respect of that, I am inclined to believe that Mary Shelley has created this novel with the propose of teaching us how people used to behave to someone who was completely different to them. For example, when the creature’s figure was exposed to people’s eyes, their reaction was so aggressive that the monster should hide him self numerous times. The same happens to people who suffer from a strange illness like Elephantiasis (this kind of disease produces an abnormal growth of some parts of human beings’ body). Look at their abnormal shape causes a strong impact to people’s eyes that they prefer to avoid and erase that image from their brains.
On the other hand, people also have created several ways in order to remember abnormal people that they are not well welcome to this world. In other words, people have invented a specific vocabulary which describes things that not following the common social model such as, monster, creature, horrible, stranger, ugly etc.
These words are used by people in order to show them selves disgusting to someone or something strange. For instance, if we look up monster in a dictionary we will find:

Monster in stories means, an imaginary or ancient creature that is large, ugly, and frightening. The second meaning of this word is cruel person: someone who is very cruel and evil. In the case of creature this refers to an imaginary animal or person or one that is very strange and frightening. Afterwards, this short explanation of these utterances, I think that it is relevant to ask ourselves the lack of tolerance that we have developed during our long life.

In conclusion, I am convinced that we should accept people regardless of the fact that they are abnormal, ugly, black, or white. They are human beings and they deserve to be respected. Apart from that, I believe that this change can be achieved through a new education system where everyone has the opportunity to see that the normal concept is only a way that people created in the past in order to handle human beings. In addition, anyone fulfils that concept in a hundred percent because anyone is normal. If everyone understood that, maybe the word discrimination would not exist among us.

miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2008

rough draft

When people meet someone who is different to them, immediately they avoid that person. But why, what happen in human beings’ mind that they reject something or someone who has different features, skin, weigh, thoughts etc. moreover, in each society there are some patterns which define what things should be accepted by citizens. For example, appropriate behaviour, normal body shape, etc. in the case of the last one issue it is crucial for everyone to develop two eyes, one mouth, two hands, and two legs. This group of characteristics makes someone normal inside our west culture. However, what does normal means according to a dictionary that word refers “an established norm, rule or principle; conformed to a type standard or regular form; performing the proper functions; not abnormal, regular; natural; analogical”. That concept not only refers to our behaviour also close the human beings’ body shape. Nevertheless, that pattern not always is repeated for very people. For example, many times children are born whose features are not similar as ordinary children. As a consequence, it is obvious that abnormal children’s opportunities will be less than for whom follow the established pattern, only because those human beings do not fulfil with society models. However, do not fulfil with society patterns it is a good argument for rejecting a person? In addition, if someone made a survey asking people this question I think that many of them would answer “NO.” Therefore, is it that true? I am not saying that all of them are a liar but I believed that an important number of people would change their opinion with the respect of that question. Actually, it is difficult to break our mental models because of people have grown up with this lack of acceptance. A good example of this case is the famous book named Frankenstein. This story tells us the invention of a creature whose creator left him in view of his ugly aspect. With respect of that, I am inclined to believed that Mary Shelley has created this novel with the propose of teaching us how people used to behave with someone who was completely different to them

rough draft

When people meet someone who is different to them, immediately they avoid that person. But why, what happen in human beings’ mind that they reject something or someone who has different features, skin, weigh, thoughts etc. moreover, in each society there are some patterns which define what things should be accepted by citizens. For example, appropriate behaviour, normal body shape, etc. in the case of the last one issue it is crucial for everyone to develop two eyes, one mouth, two hands, and two legs. This group of characteristics makes someone normal inside our west culture. However, what does normal means according to a dictionary that word refers “an established norm, rule or principle; conformed to a type standard or regular form; performing the proper functions; not abnormal, regular; natural; analogical”. That concept not only refers to our behaviour also close the human beings’ body shape. Nevertheless, that pattern not always is repeated for very people. For example, many times children are born whose features are not similar as ordinary children. As a consequence, it is obvious that abnormal children’s opportunities will be less than for whom follow the established pattern, only because those human beings do not fulfil with society models. However, do not fulfil with society patterns it is a good argument for rejecting a person? In addition, if someone made a survey asking people this question I think that many of them would answer “NO.” Therefore, is it that true? I am not saying that all of them are a liar but I believed that an important number of people would change their opinion with the respect of that question. Actually, it is difficult to break our mental models because of people have grown up with this lack of acceptance. A good example of this case is the famous book named Frankenstein. This story tells us the invention of a creature whose creator left him in view of his ugly aspect. With respect of that, I am inclined to believed that Mary Shelley has created this novel with the propose of teaching us how people used to behave with someone who was completely different to them

domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2008

comment about September 1, 1939 and In No Man's Land

This poem explain us how wars can destroyed the human beings' brain. Also those conflicts make that people drive crazy. In addition, Inside people's hearts start to grow sadness and at the same time they do not know what it is the correct way to face the world. Apart from that, their behaviour change and their reaction begin to be similar at the dictators who believe that wars and punishment are the best way to resolve problems. In my opinion the consequence of these conflicts is that innocent people are damaged and the dictator are happy in their house watching how innocent people are fighting for dreams who do not belong to them . For example, the poem called In No Man's Land, focuses on the soldiers bodys who are under the ground who fought for something which soon will be forgot. And the only thing that will stay from them under the ground will be their bones.

sábado, 25 de octubre de 2008

A room of one's own

Many years ago women were discriminate by men. Because they believed that women and men should not have the same rights. I understood in Virginia Woolf’s essay that women had the same men’s capacity. However, they had not had the chance to show their creativity. At the same time, in her essay I could notice that Woolf was exhausted and concerned about men’s book. In their work they only showed the same topic which was “men’s superiority.” That issue made Woolf called women began to create their own books. Finally, on chapter 6 which her principal thesis is, “human beings inside their minds developed a female and male sides. In addition, they should use both sides if they want to achieve a good written. She explained that it is the only way to have an interesting novel or poetry because in that work we will find the union of different perspectives so that complement makes the work more real and authentic

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2008

new post about Odour of Chrysanthemus

About this story I would like to say that it has many contemporary issues such as: alcoholism, loneliness, poverty, social pressure etc. During many years these issues have been presented in our society. At the same time, they have destroyed many people's life because human beings have not known how to face these problems. In addition, Elizabeth who is the main character in Odour of Chrysanthemus story, she had a deep pain because her husband had alcohol problems. She also had two children and every time they needed her attention. For that reason, she had not much time in thinking about her relationship or about herself. In my opinion, in many families we can find that problem. Where woman spend all their time concerning about their children, the home's chores, the job etc. With all of these problems women forget the real meaning of being alive. A good example of this is when Elizabeth's husband died. In that moment, she started to pay attention to her husband’s features and she could appreciate the beautiful he was. When I read that part of the story I felt very bad. Because people should loose someone or something in order to realize the important that person was for them. In conclusion, the pressure of life makes people lost their happiness like this story which poverty and alcoholism made Elizabeth and her husband forget their love.

new post about Frankenstein

When I read this book and some articles about the author, immediately I understood that the writer invented this creature because in several moments she felt as a monster. For instance, Frankenstein could not know what loved mean because in the first day when he born his inventor abandoned him. Mary Shalley had a similar destination as him because her mother died when she born. Another pattern between them is, Frankenstein began to length his knowledge and he understood people's behavior. This issue also allowed Frankenstein to comprehend why people did not love him. When Mary was a child an important period of her life she dedicated to find out new things through readings. Those books gave to her the capacity to comprehend many issues. For example, she realized that society can destroy human beings' dreams. In conclusion, knowledge sometimes can be very harmful. For that reason, we should ask our self some questions as; should be the knowledge limit? Should we know everything about life? Or it is better to know some things in order to be happier in this world

martes, 7 de octubre de 2008

The waste Land

It is so sad to realize that people have not known how to apprecite life. In my opinion the Elliot's poem tells us the destruction of the world, where Human beings have been the principal guilty of its own destruction. For example, the picture shows us how human beings have built a world which is empty where the nothing is the most appropiate word in order to describe our planet. Apart from that, this writer had to face a war and I think that after it the feeling is like the picture show us desolation, loneliness, and sadness where it is imposibble that good things can bloom again because everything have been destroyed. When I read the poem I felt several things such as angry, sadness, empty, distruction etc. And when I watch the picture the same feelings born and I believe that both reflect the same emotions.

martes, 30 de septiembre de 2008

Odour of Chrysanthemus

About this story I would like to say that it has many contemporary issues. For instance, alcoholisim, loneliness, pooverty, social pressure etc. During many years these issues have been presented in our society. At the same time, they have distroyed many people's life because human beings have not known how to face these problems. In addition, Elizabeth who is the main character in Odour of Chrysanthemus story, she had a deep pain because her husbund had alcohol problems. she also had two children who were younger and every time they needed her attention. For that reason, she had not much time in thinking about her relationship or about herself. In my opinion, In many families we can find that problem. Where woman spend all their time concerning about their children, the home's duties, the job etc. With all of these problems women forget the real meaning of being alive. A good example of this is when Elizabeth's husbund died. In that moment, she started to pay attention to her husbund's features and she could appreciate the beatiful he was. when I read that part of the story I felt very bad. Because people should loose someone or something in order to realize the important that person was for them. In conclusion, the pressure of life makes people lost their happiness like this story which poverty and alcoholism made Elizabeth and her husbund forget their love.

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2008

The rocking- horse winner

In class we anilized some themes as ambition, selfishness, please, worring etc. In my opinion, these words describe very well the short story called the rocking - horse winner. For instance, the child's mother was very interested in money and her ambition was so big that her child started to worry about that. Her oldest child always tried to please her mother. However, he never could it. In addition, the little child was very anxiuos about get his mother's attention, but she was so selfish and her love for him was so few that the woman never realized that her own son only wanted to see her happy. For that reason, he all the time was thinking about the race because he knew that it was the only way to get a lot money in order to catch his mother attention. Additionally, his worring was so deep that his desesperation for knowing who was the next winner finished with his life. Apart from that, he never could achive his wish because when he was in his bed sick he said to his mother "I never told you, mother, that if I can ride my horse, and get there, then I'm absolutely sure - oh, absolutely mother, did I ever tell you? I am lucky
and his mother's answer was no you never did".

domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2008

Comment about the invisible japanese gentlemen

I think that the woman was only interested in her own happiness and she also had not the capacity of observation. Also she only thought in the money or be a famous writer. About that point, the narrator said that when someone wants to be a writer that person ought to develop her or his own power of observation because it is very important to analize in a deep way the stuffs which are around us. For instance, the narrator describes all the characters in detail. However, he had a wrong opinion about the girls' fiance. To emphasize this point, sometimes our observation about something or someone can fail us. For that reason, sometime it is essential to know people before to give an opinion about her or him. About the story's title, I can say it has relation with the woman who never saw the japaneses who were sit next her. In conclusion, it is very important to develop our capacity of observation because in this world there are a lot of people apart from us and we are not alone in this planet. Additionally, we need to see and analize what it is happend around us because If we do not do it we could be egocentric and superficial people as the woman who does not care anything only her.

domingo, 14 de septiembre de 2008

The Evolution as a Destruction

Human beings have created many things such as: transportation, computers, technology etc. In order to improve their life. I can mention several things that people built in the Industrial Revolution. However, people never thought that this evolution would bring a lot of consequences as: social problems, depression, loneliness, pressure, fear, etc.
In addition, the dream of having a better quality of life is very beautiful because that means that everyone can have the opportunity to see the world in a positive way. Moreover, there is something that I do not understand, if human beings transformed the world in order to have a good life and they also created every element with the intention to improve their conditions of life, I can say that their purpose had not good results.
For example, if we traveled to the Industrial Revolution and we asked someone the next question: Did your quality of life change with the creation of factories, transportation, economic policies etc? I think that her or his answer would be not.

Likewise, there was an important period which was called the Industrial Revolution (1760-1850). In that time, fundamental changes occurred as: In agriculture, textile and metal manufacture, economic policies and transportation (Montagna1). This revolution had an important meaning to people’s life because many of them believed in this process as a good alternative in order to achieve their happiness. They thought that with the creation of technology and more opportunities of jobs they could have an improvement of their life. Thus, it is very sad to say that this period had not positive results in quality of living.

For example, there is an article which explains very well what Industrial Revolution meant. It says that the revolution’s importance was in the great increase of the production of goods but the overcrowded and unsanitary housing and the terrible working conditions were created by rapid industrialization (“Industrial Revolution” 5).
About this point, I would like to mention a story called the Signal man. When I read this short story I asked myself how a man could work in those lack conditions.
Additionally, this man worked in a station train and he lived under the ground where the light was very poor. He also did not have family and his only friends were the railway and his loneliness. That issue did that the signalman sees his future with fear and suspicion because all his life was focus on the job.

His activity also was so demanding that he felt a high pressure about it. This problem provoked a several changes in the signalman’s behavior. For example, he started to hear a strange noise and a rare figure appeared in front of his eyes, who was warning him about something.
In addition, his concerned about this issue was so deeper that he asked himself some questions as:
What is its warning against?" he said, ruminating, with his eyes on the fire, and only by times turning them on me. "What is the danger? Where is the danger? There is danger overhanging somewhere on the Line. Some dreadful calamity will happen. It is not to be doubted this third time, after what has gone before. But surely this is a cruel haunting of me. What can I do?"

I believe that these visions (the noise and the ghost) came to the signalman’s conscience, which tried to advice him about something bad. To emphasize my thought, I have been thinking that he could predict his destiny. For that reason, he was so worried because he knew that this new period would not bring happiness as he thought in some moment of his life. In other words, the signal man explains to us the negative transformation that people suffered in that age. Moreover, that period only brought terrible consequences because many people had to spend all their life in factories as slaves without happiness and dignity. At the same time they did not have the chance to choose their destinies because they were manipulated by a minority group.

Apart from that, many history books explain that the industrial revolution was essential for the economic and cultural transformation. With such information, I can think that this evolution was created without the intention to improve people’s life. That improvement was only for a little group of citizens who felt and lived the positive changes of that evolution. In addition, it is so embarrassing to see how that people could full their pockets with money through people’s exploitation, who worked in terrible conditions and they had to sacrifice their dreams and faith by a selfish and desconsiderate group.

Althoug, those people could become rich; there was something that their avarice did not let them see the disadvantage of this dangerous evolution. Return to the signal man, in the last part of the story, this poor man had a terrible accident where his body was cut down by engine. I understood that final as a kind of advice about human beings’ ambition. Because evolution did people can not control their own life because it was complete manipulated by that process.

In conclusion, I would say that people should control their ambition about technology because it can manage our minds and at the same time it can destroyed our life as the signal man, who believed in progress as a good opportunity to change his life. However, his life was destroyed by it.

Dickens, Charles. The Signal man.

“Industrial Revolution”

Montagna, Joseph. The Industrial Revolution.2008. 13 sept 2008

miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2008

The signal man

1- Evolution like a opportunity to have a better life (Industrial evolution)
2- social problems that this technology brought. for example:
the people's pressure about this evolution (connected with the signal man)
human beings' fear (connected with the signal man)
social rights.

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2008

the signal man

In the age which Dickens was born, many social issues began to develop . In a deep way the short story tells us how modernity can destroy our life. In this point I refer that in a modern world, technology is most important than human beings values. For instance, in that period thousand of new things started to appear like the train, this invention allowed that many people from different parts of the country had the opportunity to be in contact with others. However, those different news only did that people forget their ethic and moral. In my opinion, technology distroyed the people's minds because they did not know how to control their axiety for those new elements and at the same time they were only interested in their personal concerns. Apart from that, this issue brought many social problems because people did not care the pain or sadness of others ( Oliver Twist). In conclusion, this problem is something that we can see in our society too,where selfishness and individualism are part from our feelings and thoughts.

lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2008


When I started to read this book and some articles about the author, immediately I could understand that the writter in some way she invented this criature beause she felt in several moments of her life how a monster. For instance, Frankestein could not know what did love mean because his inventor avoid him in the first day when frankestein born. Mary Shalley had a similar destination as him because her mother died when she born. The another common pattern between them is, Frankestein began to lenght his knowledge and he understood people's behaivour. This issue also allowed Frankestein to comprehended why people avoid him. Apart from that, when Mary was a child an important period of her life she dedicated to find out new things throught readings. Those books gave to her the capacity to saw and understood many issues that before she did not conprehended. For example, she realized that society can distroid human beings' dreams. In addition, she had to face many problems in her life, one of them was her marriage to a married man. For that decision, people rejected her and ,Mary's father too. In conclusion, the knowledge sometimes can be very harmful in beings' life. For that reason, we should ask our-self some questions as should be the knowlegde limit? should we know everything? or it is better to know some limit things in order to have more happiness in our life.

martes, 26 de agosto de 2008

keats's poems

In my opinion Keats's poems are so powerful and they show us how the author faces death. the writer tries to explain that little by little his moment is arriving and his life is desappered. For that reason, his poems are so sad. However, he expresses his sadness in a creative way. we can find a lot elements in Keats's poems for example, there is a contradiccion between death and life. there is an ambition for avoid death but the author knows that it is impossible avoid it. There are some romantic symbols in his writtens. For instance, we can find in both poems the issue about death which is a nature moment that everybody should face. At the same time we can find a lot of Keats's feelings like fear, deppresion, desperation etc. those feelings show us another romantic element where the poet through his poems tells us his individual experience about death.

miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2008

kubla kan comment

In my opinion, what the writer wants to express throught his poem is a way to find out freedom. For example, in his first quotation the writer says that poetry is something where people can express their feelings as, sadness or happiness. That means, poetry gives us the oportunity to express our thoughts in a true way in oder to touch our feeling's freedom. At the same time, what he tries to say in his second quotation is whatever we write should awake and remove our feelings. In my case, I could feel that sensation when I read his poem. It was something very strange for me because my feelings started to alive in my inside when I read the kubla kan poem. Finally, in his last quotation I could understand why his poem is so difficult to comprehend. I should say it was something very hard to see and understand what the author wanted to communicate. However, later on I caught some things in his writing. For example, sadness, beauty, strange thoughts etc. what I want to say is the writer tries to show us how the reality can change if we have the strength to experiment original things. Because in his last critic he explains that the imagination has to go beyond limits and it has to across the reality line in order to find out new sensations and supernatural things.